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PDSA Problem Solving

[ Download PDF tutorial ] With a gentle introduction to double-loop learning, program theory, and causal graphs  PDSA stands for Plan-Do-Study-Act. PDSA is the scientific method and we have been using it all of our lives. PDSA thinking and problem solving is part of human nature:  it is how we try things, learn, and adapt.  Unfortunately, many believe, mistakenly, that the scientific method is only for scientists. By recognizing that we are already scientific thinkers we can improve our daily decision-making, problem-solving, innovation, and performance. PDSA is both simple and profound. In practice, PDSA is a learning cycle based on experiments.  PDSA supports need and problem finding and solving, exploiting opportunities, and conducting research. PDSA has two distinct, but related, purposes: knowledge deployment: experiments to test and spread a new practice knowledge discovery: experiments to test and spread a new theory A theory  is a explan...

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